CEO Speaks
The Bureau is pleased to announce its mega victory of the 50th Union World Conference on Lung Health 2019. The city has won the bid to host an expected attendance of 5,000 delegates next year. This conference is a product of the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (suffixed as ‘The Union’) based in Paris, France. The Union hosts the annual Union World Conference on Lung Health (UWCLH) in various countries every year. The 48th UWCLH was held in Guadalajara (Mexico) with an attendance of 3,000 delegates. The recently concluded 49th UWLCH was held in The Hague (Netherlands) from October 24th – 27th 2018 with approximately 4,000 delegates present.
One of the main objectives of the Union is to promote national autonomy within the framework of the priorities of each country by developing, implementing and assessing anti-tuberculosis and respiratory health programmes.

The city is getting into gear towards hosting this conference in Q4 2019. HCVB, the Department of Tourism and the Department of Industries are envisioned to be the hosts for the UWCLH. At the conference in The Hague, I had the pleasure of attending the event with Mr. Jayesh Ranjan (Principal Secretary, IT, Electronics and Communications Department, Department of Industries & Commerce) and promoting the city of Hyderabad on a global platform along with various dignatories from India. While addressing the plenary on the diversification of Hyderabad Mr. Jayesh Ranjan welcomed the delegates to Hyderabad in 2019. Specific mention was made to the strides the State of Telangana has made in socio – economic development, advances and availability of technology in various public health programs.
The concept of the 2019 Lung Health Congress in Hyderabad will be to alert doctors, decision makers, leaders of opinion and the general public to the dangers presented by tuberculosis and lung disease as well as the community health problems associated with them. The Union along with stakeholders in Hyderabad and in India will coordinate, assist and promote the work of its constituent members throughout the world while establishing and maintaining close links with WHO and supplementary UN organizations.
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