Laura Bowen Wills
Dear Gary
I wish to extend to you my heartfelt thanks for the tremendous efforts you put into making GES India 2017 such a great success. Your dedication and professional in the planning and execution of this herculean task-often under great stress-was truly amazing.
First, you managed to find suitable hotels to accommodate the entrepreneurial delegates at a tremendously reduced room rate. Second, you helped greatly when we ran into unforeseen difficulty with one of the hotels who desired to remove a group of our U.S. entrepreneus in the middle of the scheduled event. Thorough your innovative, creative and deft negotiating skills, a crisis was averted. And, you equally managed to assuage several wounded hotel GM’s who felt-wrongly-that they had been denied a certian number of room nights that had not been fulfilled.
You and your team performed as perfectly as anyone could imagine. Your efforts combined to provied expcetional servies, redued cost and hotel accommodations that all participating delegates felt comfortable and fulfilling during their stay at the GES India 2017 event..
Thank you for making GES India 2017 a Huge success

Amitabh Kant
Dear Shri Khan,
1.The Global Entrepreneurship Summit, 2017(GES 2017) has been a remarkable success. The summit witnessed more than 2000 entrepreneurs, speakers,
investors,CEO’s from well-known MNCs across the globe and guests from academia, government and industry.
2. The two-and-a-half day summit brought together entrepreneurs, from more than 150 countries, who have net-worked and shared their ideas and projects.
I am happy to inform you that the objectives of the Summit have been fulfilled.
3. Organising such a major international event in a highly professional and meticulous way would not have been possible without the support and participation
of many agencies/authorities. All participants have greatly appreciated the organization of such a mega event in a highly professional manner.
4. Your team’s contribution has been a critical factor for the success of the summit. On behalf of the govt of India and NITI Aayog, I convey my sincere appreciation
for the hard work put in by you and your team in the organisation of GES 2017. Through this partnership, we have once-again demonstrated the power of co-operative federalism.
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